Mixed Media

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Fishing Boats (Unframed). Mixed media artwork on paper combining watercolour, ink, linen thread, and embroidery.

Ana Falceta

Somewhere down the road (Unframed). Mixed media artwork on paper combining watercolour, ink, linen thread, and embroidery.

Ana Falceta

Blue & Black: Mixed media wall sculpture constructed with a corrugated cardboard base. It is painted with acrylics, and adorned with green and red glass beads.

Kai Chan

Kai Chan

Kai Chan

Red & Black: Mixed media wall sculpture constructed with a corrugated cardboard base. It is painted with acrylics, and adorned with glass beads.

Kai Chan

Anna Williams

Anna Williams

Sanctuary, cast bronze and ceramic flowers and foliage with 200-year old reclaimed local wood  A life-sized bronze fox curls up in repose encircled by a ring of ceramic flowers interwoven with thorns.  The wooden pedestal is from 200-year old wood salvaged from homes being remodelled in the artist's neighbourhood.  This work hovers between a celebration and acknowledgement of the fragility and grounding nature of home and also a memento mori.

Anna Williams

Garden wall sculpture

Kai Chan

Dreaming Head - Cotton thread wall sculpture.

Kai Chan

Leaden, Anna Williams

Anna Williams

Encounter, 2023. Mixed media artwork on paper combining watercolour, ink, linen thread, and embroidery on paper. With a white mat and frame, this piece is ready for hanging.

Ana Falceta

Convergence, 2022. Mixed media artwork on paper combining watercolour, ink, screen-printed linen fabric, linen thread, weaving, machine stitching, and hand embroidery on paper. Unframed, in a white mat.

Ana Falceta

Ephemeral Blooms, mixed media on paper by Ana Falceta

Ana Falceta

La Blanca (Unframed). Mixed media artwork on paper combining water watercolour, ink, machine stitching, and hand-painted cotton fabric.

Ana Falceta

Nexus, mixed media on paper by Ana Falceta

Ana Falceta
